Wednesday, April 17, 2013

3 Weeks Old!

The ducks are officially 3 weeks old today and my how they have grown!  They've gone from little fuzz balls to big quacks and they're still growing.  They're getting really friendly.  They still squawk when we stick our hands in their pen, but they quiet down pretty fast and have no problem letting us pet them.  They're not always that excited to be picked up and held, but I'm finding if I take them out and sit them on my lap, they're just fine and will lay down right in my lap and let me pet them.

Chillin in my lap

Ducks don't walk that well. They're pretty clumsy, mainly because they're more swimmers than they are walkers.  When they're walking around they're bumping into one another constantly and sometimes look a little wobbly, needless to say, because they're kind of klutz's they spill a lot of their water and are good at making a mess, but we still love them :)  When you pick them up they sometimes wave their feet like they're's pretty cool.  They're feet have gotten A LOT bigger  They got their first taste of the outdoors last week when my mom took them outside to a small enclosed area in the yard and put down a pan of water for them to splash around in.  At first they didn't quite know what to do.  When my mom walked away from them they squawked and ran toward her.  When they figured out that there was a pan of water they gladly hopped in and were content just standing and splashing around in it.  Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of this.

We have big duck feet and wet bellies!

We're finally starting to see a significant change in their feathers.  White down feathers are starting to come in pretty much all over them.  They're still yellow, but they're yellow color is lightening and they're really fuzzy especially around their tales and wings.  They preen themselves a lot...i think it's one of their favorite activities next to eating.  Sometimes you see little yellow fuzzies stuck to their beak.  You can see real feathers starting to grow's just a matter of time before they have big bird feathers!

White down feathers are starting to come in as are our wing feathers...

Preening is important business!

Now that they are 3 weeks old and their feathers are starting to grow in, they no longer need the heat lamp.  With their growing size and the increasing temperatures, they'll be moving outside soon, which has us looking at potential duck housing!

We're pretty attached to one another :)

Ugh...I hate it when she does this....

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