Wednesday, April 3, 2013

One Whole Week!!

The ducklings are officially a week old!  They're pretty good at doing what most babies do best.....eating, sleeping, and pooping.  They've grown A LOT in one short week...they're too squirmy to weigh, but you can tell by their size that they're growing by leaps and bounds, as are their appetites.  Although they're still skeptical when we put our hands in their cage they're definitely warming up.  They still run a little bit when we go to pick them up, but they'll let us pet them, will eat out of our hands, and seem to squawk a little bit less when we're holding them.  Hopefully they're on their way to being some of the friendliest ducks ever!
A day in the life......

Chillin at the watering hole
Although they haven't been swimming yet, as you can imagine, these quackers are big fans of the water.  They're pretty good at making a mess....

Meeting some of the this guy is wrinkly....must be an old guy
These little guys are really growing.  They still have yellow duck fuzz, but you can already tell that the texture of their feathers is starting to change a little.  Not sure when they'll start growing in white feathers, but I hope it's not too soon!
We're getting so big!!
It wasn't easy getting that picture....hence the one wing hanging out.  This quacker wanted no parts of the paparazzi.
Birds of a feather.....
...flock together


1 comment:

  1. I can't even imagine Millie the beagle handling the closeness of the ducks as well as Tug has. Love how they all do everything together. That is really kinda fascinating!
