Tuesday, April 9, 2013


It's been almost two weeks and Frances, Lucky, and Duckers are growing fast!  We're starting to think of what kind of pen we may need to set up, as they're going to outgrow their current one before they're big enough to go outside full time.  They've more than doubled in size and they're feathers are starting to change.  You can't see any adult feathers yet, but they're starting to preen themselves a lot and their wings are shedding out their baby feathers so it's just a matter of time.

Their feathers are starting to show a texture where the adult feathers will come in.

The Quackers are getting very friendly.  They're pretty good with being picked up, held, pet, etc.  When you stick your hand in their cage they now run to it to see if there's food in it.  They like to eat out of our hands....

Chow time

I've heard that ducks like shiny things, and I'm finding this to be true.  I wear a silver bracelet most of the time and whenever they see it they start pecking at it.  Even if I have a handful of food, they will go for my bracelet and bypass the food.  My scientific thought on this is that maybe the shine makes it look like it's a bug or something but I have no idea.  I'm going to have to do some research on this!

They're definitely becoming ducks...they can't get enough of their water.  They're in it all the time and are pretty good at making a mess with it.  Apparently when they're babies they don't have enough oil in their feathers to be in too much water for too long of a period of time, so they're not going to get to see a pool yet.  Since the weather is warm this week we're going to try to get them outside for a few minutes so that they can dig around and find some good bugs.  They've been routing around in their pen like crazy so they're starting to learn the ropes of being ducks......

Being Ducks....

Since they're nearly 2 weeks old, it's time to turn down their heat lamp a little. They told us they were ready last night when they were sitting in their pen panting. Yes, ducks, chickens, etc....they pant when they're hot.  We lowered the temperature in their pen by about 10 degrees and they seem like happy birds.

Just chillaxing.....

We're getting huge duck feet!

Whatchu lookin at Willis?!

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